Category: Business

What Gunawan Jusuf Does is Very Difficult and Important

What Gunawan Jusuf actually does in the course of his job is quire remarkable. In addition to a number of plantations and refineries throughout Indonesia, Sugar Group Companies operates from nearly a dozen offices located throughout Indonesia. What’s more, Sugar Group Companies, for which he his CEO, is really not a single company at all;

The Business Savvy of Gunawan Jusuf: Leading Indonesia’s Sugar Giants

Leading a conglomerate of independent companies is no small feat, but Gunawan Jusuf has proven himself more than capable. As the CEO of the Sugar Group Companies, he manages an intricate network of plantations, refineries, and offices spread across Indonesia. His leadership style is defined by a keen ability to make diverse elements work in

Gunawan Jusuf: Profile of Sugar Group Companies CEO

In addition to several plantations and refineries throughout Indonesia, Sugar Group Companies, for which Gunawan Jusuf is the CEO, operates from nearly a dozen offices located throughout Indonesia. That is one reason Gunawan Jusuf decided to publish a book, entitled “Blue Gold,” early in 2016. The book speaks frankly about the problems that come with

Accomplished Executive Gunawan Jusuf

It is perhaps Gunawan Jusuf’s proven ability to make sure every employee, subsidiary company and each of the various offices and plants are all working together that marks his greatest accomplishment as Sugar Group Companies’ leader. As the Chief Executive Officer of the group, he oversees a series of independent Indonesia-based companies that grow and

Sugar Executive Gunawan Jusuf

As the leader and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Sugar Group Companies, the very accomplished Gunawan Jusuf has the duty of overseeing the operations of a diverse collection of companies that grow and refine sugar and produce a wide variety of sugar products that are among the most popular food products in all of