What Gunawan Jusuf Does is Very Difficult and Important

What Gunawan Jusuf actually does in the course of his job is quire remarkable. In addition to a number of plantations and refineries throughout Indonesia, Sugar Group Companies operates from nearly a dozen offices located throughout Indonesia. What’s more, Sugar Group Companies, for which he his CEO, is really not a single company at all; it’s a collective of independent business operations that still operate that way, as well as a part of the larger group to reach the goals of the overall company. It is perhaps that ability to balance the wants and needs of every employee, subsidiary company and the various offices and plants are all working together that marks greatest accomplishment as Sugar Group Companies’ main man.
From his position as Chief Executive Officer, Gunawan Jusuf has helped to create enormous growth in a large number of products, including Gulaku, a premium, commercial, refined sugar product that has grown to become a household name all over Indonesia. It is impressive to think that he can corral all of those different interests and make them all work together to create the most popular products in the entire country.
Last year, Gunawan Jusuf was concerned about the sustainable use of natural resources, so he published a book entitled Blue Gold. In that book, he discussed quite frankly the relative scarcity and the high value of water as the most important and precious commodity in the world. Considering his business background, Gunawan Jusuf certainly understands that concept better than most. His life and fortune is made from sugar, which needs plenty of fresh water to grow.